Leena Godiwala
Year of DMT Graduation
Mode of Practice
Online only
Related Professional Qualifications
Diploma Expressive Arts Therapy [St Xaviers, Mumbai], Diploma Dance Movement Therapy[ Kolkata Sanved-TISS, Mumbai], Non-practicing Play Therapist for Children[Play Therapy International UK] [completed over 1000 clinical hours offline for children aged 4 yrs to 16 yrs with emotional, behavioural, social difficulties from 2013 to 2022, Play Therapy, currently pursuing 2nd year of Diploma in Mindfulness & Presence Oriented Psychotherapy with Just Being Centre, Pune
I work mainly with Parents of children aged 7 yrs and under and Parents-To-Be. Secure Attachment and the Emotional Wellbeing of children is an innate talent and my first love. Have been facilitating workshops in adult-child communication since 2008 based on the award winning books : How To Talk So KIds Will Listen & Listen So KIds Will Talk and Siblings Without Rivalry by Faber/Mazlish and am their India Representative. My specialization is my lived experience of childhood and adult trauma and disorganized attachment and the journey of bringing my self back to safety in the body through spirituality, psychology and dance/movement therapy.
What is the role of the body and DMT in your practice?
Movement is brought in whenever the moment requires it in individual/couple sessions. Embodiment through mindfulness processes, beoming aware of current emotional and bodily states, moving in closer and step by tiny step allowing ourselves to come back to the safety of our own body and breath, bringing close awareness to what emerges at a bodily level is part of what may emerge. Dance Movement Therapy as a full session is brought in as per need, and also through pre-curated workshops such as "The Anger Workshop" and more. My own attention to my own emotional state and bodily state, being grounded, present, aware and in awareness helps the practice.